fcgi module


The fcgi module builds upon the classes defined in the cgi module to provide an implementation of the FastCGI protocol. Code originally written with the CGI protocol in mind can be used unchanged with the FastCGI protocol by using this module. The module implements the entire FastCGI specification version 1.0, including multiple simultaneous connections per process and multiple simultaneous requests per connection. Requests are executed using Python's threading facilities, although it can be configured to run without using threading.


See the documentation for the cgi module for information on how to use the CGI abstraction layer. The only difference with the fcgi module is that instead of using cgi.Request to call your handler code, you use fcgi.Server. In addition, if you are willing to tie your code in to using the FastCGI protocol, you can make use of its facilities for providing authorization and filter code.


import jon.cgi as cgi
import jon.fcgi as fcgi
class Handler(cgi.Handler):
  def process(self, req):
    req.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
    req.write("Hello, world!\n")
fcgi.Server({fcgi.FCGI_RESPONDER: Handler}).run()

class: Server

Server provides the 'main loop' required by a FastCGI application. It accepts connections from the web server and uses instances of cgi.Handler subclasses to handle the requests.

Public Methods

__init__(self, handler_types, max_requests=0, params=None, request_type=Request, threading_level=1)

handler_types: map from FastCGI request types to subclasses of cgi.Handler
max_requests: integer
params: map from strings to strings
request_type: subclass of Request
threading_level: integer

Create new Server instance. Instances of the appropriate type as indicated by handler_types are created to handle the requests. The valid keys for the handler_types map are fcgi.FCGI_RESPONDER, fcgi.FCGI_AUTHORIZER and fcgi.FCGI_FILTER. These types are described in the FastCGI specification. The usual one to use (that corresponds to the usual function of a CGI application) is fcgi.FCGI_RESPONDER.

Normally, once started, the server will loop forever accepting connections. However, if you specify a non-zero value for max_requests then it will exit after that many requests have been initiated. Note that when control returns to the caller, requests that have been initiated but not yet completed may still be in progress in other threads.

You can alter the values that are returned to the web server if it sends a FCGI_GET_VALUES request by using the optional params parameter, which is a map from requested variable names to their value. The following default values are used unless explicitly specified:


You can alter the class used to provide request information using request_type. The class provided must always be a subclass of fcgi.Request. For instance, you might wish to use fcgi.GZipRequest instead.

By default, fcgi uses threading to handle requests. It creates one thread per connection. However, on some platforms threading is either not available, or the operating system support for it is buggy. You can alter the use of threading with the threading_level parameter. The valid threading_level values are:

0Threading is not used at all.
Only one connection can be handled at once, and multiple requests cannot be multiplexed onto that connection, so only one request can be handled at once.
1One thread is created per connection.
Multiple connections can be handled simultaneously, but multiple requests cannot be multiplexed onto a connection.
2One thread is created per connection, and one thread is created per request.
Multiple connections can be handled simultaneously, and multiple requests can be multiplexed onto a connection.

The default threading_level is 1. If your web server supports multiplexing of connections then you may wish to use level 2, however Apache mod_fastcgi does not support multiplexing and the fcgi module makes less efficient use of threads if multiplexing is not used so it is not the default.

If threading is requested (i.e. a threading_level greater than zero is specified, or threading_level is left unspecified), but the Python thread module cannot be imported (i.e. threading support is not available) then fcgi will automatically downgrade to threading_level = 0.


This method will cause the Server.run() loop to exit. This can be used to exit the FastCGI application.


The 'main loop' for the FastCGI application. Listens for connections and handles them appropriately.

If the program does not appear to be running in a FastCGI environment (i.e. stdin is not a socket) then this method will automatically fall back to the CGI protocol and attempt to execute the fcgi.FCGI_RESPONDER handler using cgi.CGIRequest. This means that you can write your applications using the fcgi module and you can switch between using FastCGI and ordinary CGI simply by changing your web server configuration, with no changes required to your code.


fcgi.Server({fcgi.FCGI_RESPONDER: Handler}).run()

class: Request(cgi.Request)

Request is a subclass of cgi.Request that provides the same public interface but uses the FastCGI protocol behind the scenes.

Public Instance Variables


A file-like object that provides the FASTCGI_DATA stream as provided by the FastCGI protocol. This is not used by ordinary CGI applications, but may be used by FCGI_FILTER code.

class: GZipRequest(GZipMixIn, Request)

For convenience, this class provides the standard Request class with the cgi.GZipMixIn already mixed in. To use this class, specify it as the value of the request_type parameter when creating your Server object.


fcgi.Server({fcgi.FCGI_RESPONDER: Handler}, request_type=fcgi.GZipRequest).run()

$Id: fcgi.html,v 0416d65875b7 2014/03/05 17:37:06 jon $